The school has four Houses, namely, Beas, Chenab, Satluj & Ravi. Each house is headed by a house master with house associates. Inter House competitions are held in the areas like Board Display, Debate, Declamation, Skit, Drawing, Poetical Recitation, Rangoli, Quiz, Drawing, Fancy dress etc. Each house functions under the supervision and guidance of a Senior Teacher as House Master who is assisted by teachers, House Captain, House Vice-Captain and prefects.

Inter scholastic activities are important components of our education. It is imperative for us to expose them to multisensory first hand experience and learning opportunities through seminars, workshops, assemblies & Saturday programs.

These activities go from physical development & sports interest to artistic endeavours, learning about science, maths, language and computers to making models, solving cross-word puzzles, doing social work by visiting hospitals etc. Our school provides varied opportunities for all grade levels.

As many as seven clubs have been constituted to initiate the students into different cognitive, creative and innovative activities to hone and tone their innate talent:
Literary Club
Maths Club
Science Club
IT Club
Fine Art & Music Club
Dance Club
Theatrical Club
Eco Club
Green Soldiers
Blue Soldiers
Scouts and Guide

Working Together
The students are expected to arrive at school 5 minutes before the scheduled time. |
Students should observe good manners wherever they are. They should spread the fragrance of their good conduct. |
School property should be treated as one's own property and should not be damaged. Any one who sees some thing damaged should report the matter even if he/she does not know who has damaged it. |
Money should not be lent or borrowed or articles exchanged. The school is not responsible for goods lost. It is advisable not to bring valuables like costly watches or pens or ornaments to the school. |
Students should participate in various activities. They should use the library/ laboratory in accordance with rules or vogue from time to time. |
A student who has been suffering from any infection or contagious disease should reattend school only after a medical authority declares him/ her free from infection. |
Parents are requested to co-operate by enforcing regularity and discipline and by taking general interest in their ward's progress. They should check the students' diary regularly to note the teacher's remarks etc. They are further requested to visit the school on Parents-Teacher meeting day to assess the progress of their wards. Parents are most welcome to share personally or sending in writing their suggestions and views for improving teaching techniques and measures for making the stay of their wards at the school more purposeful. |