Read Carefully
Registration forms for different classes except X & XII can be obtained from the office from 1st week of March every year.
Registration form duly completed in all respects must accompany the progress card and school leaving certificate of the previous school with Rs. 1000 as registration fee.
Entrance tests for admission to various classes are held in the last week of March every year.
Admission to various classes is based on written test and personal interview(PI) with the Principal
Minimum age for Nursery is 3 ½ + on 1st April of the academic year
Admission to classes other than Nursery is considered against withdrawal and dropouts, provided students seeking admission are coming from English Medium and Affiliated Schools
Admission will be considered only for those whose names are registered in the school well in time. Dates of Entrance Test of the classes other than Nursery will be intimated to the parents. Students are requested to appear in major subjects English & Maths. Admission is made strictly on the basis of merit depending upon the availability of seats.
Registration form duly completed in all respects must accompany the progress card and school leaving certificate of the previous school.
School reserves the right to allow or reject an admission to the students depending upon the seats available.

Step by Step
- Date of Birth (DoB) Certificate
- For Admission to class I to XII, the transfer certificate of previous school countersigned by the officer not below the rank of District Inspector of schools of Education Department of State Government/ Union Territory shall be admitted to class IX & X provided he/she qualifies the admission test.

Follow the Rules
The school authorities reserve the right to compel the parent to withdraw their children on the following ground
- Irregular Attendance
- Unsatisfactory academic progress
- Bad conduct
- Grave insubordination to school authorities
- No withdrawal is possible unless all the dues are paid and no refund from the deposited amount is possible in any case
- If a student does not succeed in the same class despite two opportunities, he/ she may be asked to leave
- Rules Regarding Payment of Fee